HWPE Interface Protocols#

HWPE-Stream protocol#

The HWPE-Stream protocol is a simple protocol designed to move data between the various sub-components of an HWPE. As HWPEs are memory-based accelerators, streams are typically generated and consumed internally within the accelerator between fully synchronous devices. HWPE-Stream can cross between two clock domains using dual-clock FIFOs; handshakes still have to happen in a fully synchronous way. HWPE-Stream streams are directional, flowing from a source to a sink direction, using a two signal handshake and carrying a data payload. Fig. 2 and Table 1 report the signals used by the HWPE-Stream protocol.


Fig. 2 Data flow of the HWPE-Stream protocol. Red signals carry the handshake, blue ones the payload.#

Table 1 HWPE-Stream signals.#






Multiple of 8 bits

The data payload transported by the stream.

from source to sink



Optional. Indicates valid bytes in the data payload (1=valid).

from source to sink


1 bit

Handshake valid signal (1=asserted).

from source to sink


1 bit

Handshake ready signal (1=asserted).

from sink to source

The handshake signals valid and ready are used to validate transactions between sources and sinks. Transactions are subject to the following rules:

  1. A handshake occurs in the cycle when both valid and ready are asserted. The handshake is the “atomic” event after which the current payload is considered consumed by the consumer at the sink side of the HWPE-Stream interface.

  2. data and strb can change their value either a) when valid is deasserted, or b) in the cycle following a handshake, even if valid remains asserted. In other words, valid data payloads must stay on the interface until a valid handshake has occurred.

  3. The assertion of valid (transition 0 to 1) cannot depend combinationally on the state of ready. On the other hand, the assertion of ready (transition 0 to 1) can depend combinationally on the state of valid. This rule, which is modeled around the similar behavior used by TCDM memories (see below) is meant to avoid any deadlock in ping-pong logic.

  4. The deassertion of valid (transition 1 to 0) can happen only in the cycle after a valid handshake. In other words, valid data produced by a source must be correctly consumed before valid is deasserted.

wavedrom_hwpe_stream shows several correct handshakes on a HWPE-Stream, while wavedrom_hwpe_stream_r2_no and wavedrom_hwpe_stream_r4_no show two examples of incorrect transactions. Both behaviors are checked by means of asserts in the reference SystemVerilog code for HWPE-Stream interfaces. Rule 3 cannot be checked by means of asserts; it is up to the designer to avoid valid to ready combinational dependencies that could result in combinational loops, since the value of ready is assumed to be combinationally dependent from valid.

The only side channel that can be included in an HWPE-Stream is strb, which is optionally used to signal which bytes of the data payload contain meaningful data. HWPE-Stream streams in which strb is absent are assumed to have only valid bytes in their data payload. We refer HWPE-Stream streams with strb as strobed streams.

HWPE-Mem and HCI-Core protocols#


HWPEs are connected to external L1/L2 shared-memory by means of a simple memory protocol, using a request/grant handshake. The protocol used is called HWPE Memory (HWPE-Mem) protocol, and it is essentially similar to the protocol used by cores and DMAs operating on memories in standard PULP clusters. This document focuses on the specific signal names used within HWPEs and in the reference implementation of HWPE-Stream IPs. It supports neither multiple outstanding transactions nor bursts, as HWPEs using this protocol are assumed to be closely coupled to memories. It uses a two signal handshake and carries two phases, a request and a response.

The HWPE-Mem protocol is used to connect a master to a slave. Fig. 3 and Table 2 report the signals used by the HWPE-Mem protocol.


Fig. 3 Data flow of the HWPE-Mem protocol. Red signals carry the handshake; blue signals the request phase; green signals the response phase.#

Table 2 HWPE-Mem signals.#






1 bit

Handshake request signal (1=asserted).

master to slave


1 bit

Handshake grant signal (1=asserted).

slave to master


32 bit

Word-aligned memory address.

master to slave


1 bit

Write enable signal (1=read, 0=write).

master to slave


4 bit

Byte enable signal (1=valid byte).

master to slave


32 bit

Data word to be stored.

master to slave


32 bit

Loaded data word.

slave to master


1 bit

Valid loaded data word (1=asserted).

slave to master

The handshake signals req and gnt are used to validate transactions between masters and slaves. Transactions are subject to the following rules:

  1. A valid handshake occurs in the cycle when both req and gnt are asserted. This is true for both write and read transactions.

  2. r_valid must be asserted the cycle after a valid read handshake; r_data must be valid on this cycle. This is due to the tightly-coupled nature of memories; if the memory cannot respond in one cycle, it must delay granting the transaction.

  3. The assertion of req (transition 0 to 1) cannot depend combinationally on the state of gnt. On the other hand, the assertion of gnt (transition 0 to 1) can depend combinationally on the state of req (and typically it does). This rule avoids deadlocks in ping-pong logic.

The semantics of the r_valid signal are not well defined with respect to the usual TCDM protocol. In PULP clusters, r_valid will be asserted also after write transactions, not only in reads. However, the HWPE-Mem protocol and the IPs in this repository should not make assumptions on the r_valid in write transactions.


The HWPE-Mem protocol can be used to directly connect an accelerator to the shared memory of a PULP-based system. However, transactions using this protocol are inherently latency sensitive. HWPE-Mem rule 2 embodies this: an operation is complete only when its response has arrived. This means that HWPE-Mem streams, including load and store transactions, cannot be enqueued in a FIFO queue. To overcome this limitation, a variant of the HWPE-Mem protocol is HWPE-MemDecoupled. This protocol uses the same interface as HWPE-Mem but lifts rule 2 and adds a new rule 4. Transactions are thus following the following rules:

  1. A valid handshake occurs in the cycle when both req and gnt are asserted. This is true for both write and read transactions.

  1. The assertion of req (transition 0 to 1) cannot depend combinationally on the state of gnt. On the other hand, the assertion of gnt (transition 0 to 1) can depend combinationally on the state of req (and typically it does). This rule avoids deadlocks in ping-pong logic.

  2. The stream of transactions includes only reads ( wen =1) or only writes ( wen =0). Mixing reads and writes in the stream is not allowed.

HWPE-MemDecoupled transactions are insensitive to latency and their request and response phases can be treated similarly to separate HWPE-Stream streams. Once two or more HWPE-MemDecoupled transactions are mixed, the mixed interface has to be treated as a HWPE-Mem protocol (i.e. it is sensitive to latency).


HCI-Core (Heterogeneous Cluster Interconnect – Core) is a protocol designed as a lighteweight extension of HWPE-Mem better suited for the needs of accelerators, and specifically of cluster-coupled HWPEs. This document focuses on the specific signal names used within HWPEs and in the reference implementation of HCI IPs. HCI-Core does not support bursts, but it supports in-order multiple outstanding transactions in a similar fashion to HWPE-MemDecoupled. Differently from HWPE-Mem, HCI-Core uses a two signal handshake but also includes an lrdy signal to support load backpressure on the response phase. HCI-Core carries two phases, a request and a response. HCI-Core signals have parametric width; Table 3 reports the parameters used by the HCI IPs; while Table 4 reports the signals used by the HCI-Core protocol.

Table 3 HCI-Core parameters.#






Data width in bits


mult. of BW, WW


Address width in bits




Width of an individually strobed “byte” in bits




Width of a memory bank (“word”) in bits


mult. of BW


Intra-bank offset width




User-defined width



Table 4 HCI-Core signals.#







1 bit

Request HS

Request valid (1=asserted).

master to slave


1 bit

Request HS

Request granted (1=asserted).

slave to master


1 bit

Response HS

Response valid (1=asserted). Mandatory for load, optional for stores.

slave to master


1 bit

Response HS

Response load ready (1=asserted).

master to slave


AW bit


Word-aligned memory address.

master to slave


1 bit


Write enable signal (1=read, 0=write).

master to slave


DW/BW bit


Byte enable signal (1=valid byte).

master to slave


DW/WW x OW bit


Intra-bank offset.

master to slave


DW bit


Data word to be stored.

master to slave


UW bit



master to slave


32 bit


Loaded data word.

slave to master


1 bit


Error code response.

slave to master


UW bit



slave to master

The two phases of HCI-Core transactions can be treated as two separate channels, so HCI-Core transactions can be latency insensitive and support multiple in-order outstanding transactions (i.e., pipeline transactions). Request and response phases are organized to be treated like HWPE-Stream streams. Table 5 and Table 6 detail the rules that have to be followed for a valid transaction.

Table 5 HCI-Core Request phase rules.#




A valid handshake occurs in the cycle when both req and gnt are asserted, for both write and read transactions. All request phase signals are sampled on handshake cycles.


The assertion of req (transition 0 to 1) cannot depend combinationally on the state of gnt. On the other hand, the assertion of gnt (transition 0 to 1) can depend combinationally on the state of req. This rule avoids deadlocks in ping-pong logic.


Request phase signals can change their value either in the cycle following a handshake, regardless if req is deasserted or stays asserted.


(Optional) Requests cannot be retired after req is asserted. HCI accelerators satisfy this indication, but not all masters on HCI interconnects might be fully compliant.

Table 6 HCI-Core Response phase rules.#




For read transactions, a valid handshake occurs in the cycle when both r_valid and lrdy are asserted. All response phase signals are sampled on handshake cycles.


The assertion of r_valid (transition 0 to 1) cannot depend combinationally on the state of lrdy. On the other hand, the assertion of lrdy (transition 0 to 1) can depend combinationally on the state of r_valid. This rule avoids deadlocks in ping-pong logic.


Response phase signals can change their value either in the cycle following a handshake, regardless if r_valid is deasserted or stays asserted.


Response phase signals must follow the same ordering of the requests.

Exchanging data between HWPE-Mem and HWPE-Stream#

As HWPEs ultimately consume and produce data to the external shared memory using one or more ports exposing TCDM interfaces, converting data between HWPE-Mem and HWPE-Stream (i.e., exchanging data between the memory-based and the stream-based worlds) is one of the main tasks to be accomplished in the design of an accelerator. The HWPE-Stream and HWPE-Mem protocols are similar by design, which makes the handling of handshakes signficantly easier. The following applies to HWPE-Mem, HWPE-MemDecoupled, and HCI-Core in a similar manner.

Three objectives have to be met:

  • HWPE-Stream has no notion of address: to produce a stream out of HWPE-Mem loads, or consume a stream in a series of HWPE-Mem stores, it is necessary to generate addresses according to some rule.

  • HWPE-Stream streams can be longer than 32 bits; it is necessary to generate them from / split them into multiple TCDM loads/stores.

  • HWPE-Mem addresses may be misaligned with respect to word boundaries, in which case two TCDM loads/stores are necessary to transact a single 32-bit word and strobes have to be also aligned.

In the current version of the HWPE specifications, we address these issues by providing a set of modules which can incrementally be used to solve each of the problems above. This are referred to in a later section.


Fig. 4 Example of data exchange between a series of HWPE-Mem loads and a HWPE-Stream. Four data packets have to be produced at the sink end of the stream; since data is not well aligned in memory, this results in five loads on the HWPE-Mem interface, which are then transformed in a strobed HWPE-Stream. The stream is then realigned so that the correct four elements are available.#


Fig. 5 Example of data exchange between a HWPE-Stream and a series of HWPE-Mem stores. Four data packets have to be consumed at the source end of the stream; since data is not well aligned in memory, this results in a strobed HWPE-Stream with five packets, the first and last of which contain also null data. The strobed stream is then converted in a set of five HWPE-Mem store transactions.#

Fig. 4, Fig. 5 show two examples of transactions going (respectively) from a series of loads on the HWPE-Mem interface to internal HWPE-Streams and from an internal HWPE-Stream to a series of stores on HWPE-Mem. The example focuses on the realignment behavior.

HWPE-Periph protocol#

To enable control, HWPEs typically expose a slave port to the peripheral system interconnect. The slave port follows an extension of the HWPE-Mem protocol which we call HWPE-Periph in this document. The HWPE-Periph protocol is essentially the same one exposed by most peripherals in a PULP system and used by the core to communicate with them.

Table 7 HWPE-Periph signals.#






1 bit

Handshake request signal (1=asserted).

master to slave


1 bit

Handshake grant signal (1=asserted).

slave to master


32 bit

Word-aligned memory address.

master to slave


1 bit

Write enable signal (1=read, 0=write).

master to slave


4 bit

Byte enable signal (1=valid byte).

master to slave


32 bit

Data word to be stored.

master to slave



ID used to identify the master (request).

master to slave


32 bit

Loaded data word.

slave to master


1 bit

Valid loaded data word (1=asserted).

slave to master



ID used to identify the master (reply).

slave to master

The HWPE-Periph protocol is distinguished by the HWPE-Mem protocol by the id and r_id side channels. These are used in load operations issued through a PERIPH interface: the id identifies the master during the request phase, is buffered by the slave peripherals and accompanies the response phase as r_id. In this way, multiple masters can distinguish which traffic is related to themselves. For the rest of the purposes related with HWPEs, HWPE-Periph and HWPE-Mem work in the same way. In particular, similarly to HWPE-Mem, PULP clusters will expect r_valid to be asserted after write transactions. This is enforced also in HWPE IPs.